What happened?
We had a gorgeous Midwest fall day yesterday.
72 degrees, sunny...a wonderful breeze.
Today it is grey...windy, 55 degrees and just plain nasty outside.
It makes me worry about the weather for my last show at Kane County Flea Market this weekend.
PLEASE everyone think "sun and 70 degrees" for me!
So...since I am feeling a little "grey" today, thought I would share some of my "grey obsession".
I have always been obsessed with grey, and yes I mean obsessed.
For the last 10 years I have collected every galvanized metal thingy, vintage wire basket I could lay my hands on. And if I was crusing an antique mall or flea market and found a grey scale or old fan with grey paint, it was mine! And if I can wear it...and it comes in grey...I buy two...just in case.
So...on with the show. Enjoy a little 'grey love' on my Midwest grey day.
This sweater will be added to my collection as of today.
I love the Gap. I like everything simple and not fussy.
I am deeply in love with these letters from Anthro. I am currently planning and plotting where in my home I can spell something fabulous.
At 25" tall, they make a statement - and they must me mine!
I am embarking on a major kitchen reno soon. Call me crazy, but I am moving my kitchen to another room in my house. It is just too small for me now...I love, love, love to cook and bake.
When we make the move, the old kitchen will be perfect for a big 'ol farm table...and I want these all around. That darn Crate & Barrel. They get me every time. Just when I think they are too contemporary for me...they pull out something like this. I love them so.
Speaking of kitchens...I am crazy about this counter. Soapstone? Concrete...whatever it is...it is fabulous!
I am currently painting a fabulous bedroom set in white with grey...I am so excited to show you all pics, so stay tuned!
Wishing you a sun-filled Monday, girls...