Whew! What a weekend it was!
I drove 700 miles in 36 hours. I would say that falls into the "whirlwind trip" category!
But, I have to say...what I saw of Junk Bonanza...was FANTASTIC!! I am going next year, for sure.
Anyway, on to the fun stuff.
This is going to be a very random, crazy post, but tomorrow I will show you 2 of my favorite booths.
Industrial lighting was everywhere! I would say my style is farmhouse coastal with an industrial twist...so these were right up my alley.
(And yes, you read that right...I did say farmhouse-coastal-with-an-industrial-twist. Don't even try to figure it that one out!)
I was crazy about these frames...isn't that old aqua paint fabulous??

Oh, and the clocks. I can't forget those! I have a little "thing" for them. Old beat-up looking silver ones are my favorite.
I am kicking myself for not buying this one. $12!! Only $12 and I didn't get it?? Ugh.
Love these, too...
This barn door reminded me of my up-coming barn-tearing-down project. I can't wait to get my hands on a few of these. I am planning a giant armoire for my husbands "man room" with doors like these. I think it will be a perfect things to hide his giant TV. Ahhh..chippy and beautiful. We will both be happy.
Can it get any better??
Why yes, it can. And it did.
Friday night I met up with a few familar faces from blogland. These girls are all beautiful and just as sweet as I had hoped.
(Sorry...photo is a little fuzzy but you can still those gorgeous girls!)
(me, Traci, Becky, Jen, Suzanne)
I was actually really nervous about going to the party. I am not a "party girl" by any means, it is just so much pressure, you know? Will I be what they expect?? Will they be what I expect?? But, I have to say...they were all fabulous! I wish I would have taken more pictures!
And on a totally random note...I just had to let Becky know I was thinking of her yesterday! Yes, Miss Becky I am talkin' to you! This is a response to your post yesterday saying I never post photos of myself...so here you go!
My husband and I took a walk in the woods yesterday morning so we did a couple just for Becky...cheesy senior portrait style!!
Yes, these are meant to be a joke. We were laughing so hard when we were taking these. I don't pop my head through trees and give my best broken-neck tilt for just anyone. So Miss Becky, here you go. Photos of me...bad hair and a hoodie sweatshirt. This is how you will find me on a normal day.
But, I have to say...what I saw of Junk Bonanza...was FANTASTIC!! I am going next year, for sure.
Anyway, on to the fun stuff.
The bonanza of junk.
I loved every last drop of it.
Industrial lighting was everywhere! I would say my style is farmhouse coastal with an industrial twist...so these were right up my alley.
(And yes, you read that right...I did say farmhouse-coastal-with-an-industrial-twist. Don't even try to figure it that one out!)
I was crazy about these frames...isn't that old aqua paint fabulous??

Oh, and the clocks. I can't forget those! I have a little "thing" for them. Old beat-up looking silver ones are my favorite.
I am kicking myself for not buying this one. $12!! Only $12 and I didn't get it?? Ugh.
Love these, too...
This barn door reminded me of my up-coming barn-tearing-down project. I can't wait to get my hands on a few of these. I am planning a giant armoire for my husbands "man room" with doors like these. I think it will be a perfect things to hide his giant TV. Ahhh..chippy and beautiful. We will both be happy.
I thought this old cart would be nice parked in the woods behund my house. I envisioned white flowers spilling out the top. It would be dreamy, don't you think?!
Can it get any better??
Why yes, it can. And it did.
Friday night I met up with a few familar faces from blogland. These girls are all beautiful and just as sweet as I had hoped.
(Sorry...photo is a little fuzzy but you can still those gorgeous girls!)
(me, Traci, Becky, Jen, Suzanne)
I was actually really nervous about going to the party. I am not a "party girl" by any means, it is just so much pressure, you know? Will I be what they expect?? Will they be what I expect?? But, I have to say...they were all fabulous! I wish I would have taken more pictures!
And on a totally random note...I just had to let Becky know I was thinking of her yesterday! Yes, Miss Becky I am talkin' to you! This is a response to your post yesterday saying I never post photos of myself...so here you go!
My husband and I took a walk in the woods yesterday morning so we did a couple just for Becky...cheesy senior portrait style!!
Yes, these are meant to be a joke. We were laughing so hard when we were taking these. I don't pop my head through trees and give my best broken-neck tilt for just anyone. So Miss Becky, here you go. Photos of me...bad hair and a hoodie sweatshirt. This is how you will find me on a normal day.
Ok, now you know why you never. ever. see photos of me on my blog. I just love you girls too much to put you through that.
~ smile ~
Happy Tuesday, girls!