I am finally getting back into the swing of things after being gone most of last week to the Country Living Fair in Ohio. The trip was a-ma-zing! We stopped in so many cute little towns along the way...and I can't believe I am admitting this...but we had the van totally packed less than 24 hours into the trip!! (There were many discussions through the miles about which of the 3 of us would be nominated to be on Hoarders first. Since I was the only one in the car that had an industrial warehouse full of my goods...I won hands down. Ha!) Needless to say, the packing tape and boxes I brought along came in very handy!
As I was going through the hundreds, yes HUNDREDS of photos I took...I knew I had to show you this booth first. It was beyond amazing!!
I caught some sort of bug a couple of days into the trip. I wasn't feeling myself by the time we arrived at the CL Fair on Friday morning. I had moments where I was 100% fine...then it would hit me and I was tired, dizzy and had an awful headache...then I felt ok again. Weird. It was not how I planned my tour of the fair to go. But, nothing can come between be and a beautiful display of wares, so it didn't hold me back a bit.
Despite this crazy onset of not feeling well...my eyes were still razor sharp when I saw this sign out of the corner of my eye.
It was metal. It was gray. It was industrial. I was instantly in love.
Despite this crazy onset of not feeling well...my eyes were still razor sharp when I saw this sign out of the corner of my eye.
It was metal. It was gray. It was industrial. I was instantly in love.
It was about 6 booths from where I was...the girls I was with tell me I stuffed what I was holding into my sisters arms and sprinted through the crowds straight to this booth...Stash. Thankfully my illness keeps me from remembering any of this, as I am sure I looked like a bumbling idiot as I swooned over everything they had for sale.

Stash had such an eclectic mix. Everything worn and rusty...with a bit of an industrial edge. It was beyond fabulous in person.
I love words on things, especially old things. Isn't the concept of this door fantastic??
And I have a serious love for quotes! And rusty things, and boots. Basically everthing and anything in this photo.
The sign above their clothing line, is well...genius! I see these old embroidery hoops all the time! Hmmmm...I just might have to come up with something similiar...but different for my shows next year!
This pillow they had almost gave me permission to make a sign like that for myself, don't you think?? Haha!
I am not sure which I love more...the gorgeous bags or the chippy piece they are hanging from...
So much vintage-y goodness. I think I was overwhelmed. Do you ever get like that at shows or flea markets? I am kicking myself for coming home with only 2 little things from their booth. I loved everything!
loved this...
Such perfect words, and the paint brushes are so me!!
For those of you that couldn't make the trip to the Country Living Fair in Ohio, you still have a chance! The Atlanta show is coming up in October! I think next year I am going to try going South...I hear it is going to be in Texas! I would love to meet up with a few blogger friends down there, so it would be a perfect weekend!
I'll have more photos to come Friday. I can't wait to show you who I was lucky enough to have a little chat with first thing when I arrived at the fair! This beautiful girl and I are long lost best friends, she just doesn't know it yet!