Friday, September 30, 2011

HGTV magazine & a flea market weekend!

Ok, how did this one slip by me??

HGTV came out with a magazine?

And I didn't know about it ahead of time? Did anyone else miss this or was it just me??

 I am a girl that has 2 major obsessions in her life (so sad, I know). HGTV & decor magazines. How in the world did I not know the 2 worlds were merging!?

I am happy to report I will be tucked in to bed extra early tonight, all in the name of curling up and seeing what is under the cover of this beauty. When I was flipping through at the grocery store, I did spy Sarah Richardson between the pages. Don't you just love Sarah?? I do. I think we should hang out. Or at the very least she should decorate my house. Whichever is fine with me.  

Oh, and just a reminder to my local peeps...this weekend is my LAST SHOW of the 2011 season! I can't believe how fast it has gone by! But, I have to admit I am slightly relieved to be able to give my paintbrush...and my wrists...a break for a little while. You girls have kept my sooo busy this summer! I am so very grateful...and humbled...that you love my painted furniture. I cannot thank you all are what keep me going!

I will be in my usual spot at the Kane County Fairgrouds in St. Charles, IL...the Arena Building...main aisle...just look for the sea of white furniture.

And while you are sure to stop and say hello to some of my blog friends that will be selling this weekend...they have AMAZING booths and sell AMAZING things!

- Stacey {A Sort of Fairytale}
- Anita & Judy {Iowa Junk Gypsies}
- Jackie & Jill {2 Chicks & A Fancy Owl}

Hope to see you out at the flea this weekend! It is going to be a gorgeous weekend in Chicagoland!

And I will of course give you a full report on HGTV magazine next week!

Have a fabulous weekend, girls!