This week, I am embarking on a guest-bedroom makeover adventure!
It is going to be interesting, and I can't wait to share the final details...I believe this is the first around-the-house project I will be featuring here on my blog.
I am usually so busy working on client pieces, there is no "me time" left in my days. I just don't have the opportunity to share the things I would really like to with you.
It is going to be interesting, and I can't wait to share the final details...I believe this is the first around-the-house project I will be featuring here on my blog.
I am usually so busy working on client pieces, there is no "me time" left in my days. I just don't have the opportunity to share the things I would really like to with you.
But, its a New Year, so time for new things! And I vowed this year I am going to finish some projects I have wanted to do...and share them with you through my blog. I bet you had no idea I am was a DIY junkie, did you?? There is a little pattern in my life..I buy a house, totally redo it...sell it and start all over again. That seems to be my M.O. But it feels like a secret side of me, because I have never let that part of my show here on my blog.
When I started making plans for this room, I found I had so many ideas swimming around in my head, I just could not decide what to do! Thankfully, my friend Andrea has come to the rescue!
You may know Andrea as in the girl behind the incredible farmhouse and fabulous blog Faded Plains. Well, she and I have discovered over the last year that we MUST be long lost twin sisters, because it is amazing how we love so many of the same things and want such similar things in our life! This is what I love about it can bring people together that never would have crossed paths otherwise.
Anyway, about the bedroom. Andrea and I are going to be collaborating and blogging about our project. I just have not quite decided yet if I should show the progress as we go, or do a big reveal and then show you what we did. Hmmm...any opinions out there on that subject??
We have one rather unique feature for the room, so lets hope it turns out as we hope! These are a few photos that have inspired us...I won't tell you which element from each photo got us all excited, but if you have been reading my blog for a while, you may be able to guess.
I can't wait to get crazy are we, anyway? Putting our heads together and coming up with a fresh, new space...even though 422 miles separate us, and she has never seen the space other than through photos! But she has amazing skills at making a room simple and she's super fun, so any excuse I can come up with to call her and yak on for 3-hours like I usually do...I'm going to do it! I am gonna love this crazy process!
It should be an adventure! Let the fun begin!
I am off to Chicago bright and early Monday morning...I'm on the hunt for new bed linens!

It should be an adventure! Let the fun begin!
I am off to Chicago bright and early Monday morning...I'm on the hunt for new bed linens!